
NO LAND ESTATE is a small record label, an initiative of Paco Loco, Remate, Muni Camón, Pablo Errea and David Amargor. It is about an infinitesimal friends and neighbors factory that will release for the service of humanity, periodical and irregularly, delicate and utopian albums, impulsively recorded, parallel to reality, that will try to show that apart from this life there are others.

YOU CAN COLLECT every NO LAND ESTATE “SERIES” (The Guinea Pig "33%", Paco Loco Trio "Muni In Arizona", Muni Camón & Remate "Somersaults"...). They are 5€ the EP and 10€ the LP (handcrafted manufacturated).

SEND AN EMAIL TO nolandestate@gmail.com to place an order.

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